Two Villages and Our Education Centric
Transformational Mission
We are currently campaigning for two villages: Village Rabb Dino Mari and Village Abdul Malik.
These villages are part of some of the most disenfranchised areas in rural Sindh. Poverty, lack of infrastructure, and lack of access to education mars these cluster of villages. Moreover, they were devastated by the floods in last December. Please take the time to see if you would like to support any of the following projects and help transform their lives for the better.
We believe access to education is 'the' sustainable solution to poverty alleviation. By starting learning centers in these villages, with an increasingly learner-centered pedagogy, we hope to foster the uniqueness of every child in becoming their most authentic selves so they can participate in helping their communities thrive. Anchoring our thoughts in inclusive and equitable spaces of learning where every child is welcomed and supported along their unique journeys; where school fee, cost of books, distance, safety and gender are no longer barriers in access to an education.
Village Rabb Dino Mari

Village Abdul Malik

Village School
The children of Village Abdul Malik have never had access to education. The nearest government school is roughly 40 km. Small private schools in the nearest small towns are both unaffordable and inaccessible as majority of the village community does not own any kind of transportation. Majority are day laborers.
We have started a school under a tent with solar powered pedestal fans and a white board with children on the chitais (matts). We are in the process of rebuilding their Landi which is a central congregational space so that we can temporarily teach the kids from that structure however small for the number of children. There are more than 150 children. Once we have the school space, children from the adjacent cluster of villages will be able to get access to education as well. The entire village is looking to us with hope and the children are surprisingly super enthusiastic about learning. The excitement upon receiving bags, books and colored pencils is beyond words. They want to be like other children who wear a uniform, sit on chairs and achieve something. We must add that the children here are exceptionally intelligent as is evident from the way they have picked up material so quickly.
Amount to raise $15000

Village Playground
The playground image on the left is what we are aiming for in Village Abdul Malik.
These swings are made from used tires and pipes. An idea of an organization that makes playground for the underprivileged communities. We are working to provide one such playground for the entire village adjacent to the school.
Amount to raise $2000

Village Masjid
The only small masjid at Village Abdul Malik has had structural damage due to the floods and requires reconstruction. As you can see from the picture on the left, much of the masjid was open courtyard anyways and in the high temperatures in rural Sindh, children studying Quran and the community offering prayers under the blazing sun is hard indeed. As we reconstruct the masjid we will make a covered courtyard.
Dedicate it as a continued charity in the name of your loved one. There will be a dedication plaque.
Amount to raise $5000

Solar Energy System
Village Abdul Malik is not on an electricity grid. It is essential that we use solar energy to run the school. We are working on redesigning teaching pedagogy. Unlike the traditional method of the teacher-centric model, we have incorporated a student-centric methodology. And, since we plan to use a hybrid model to teach children, using both in-person and teachers who can teach online, as there is a shortage of well educated teachers in the area, solar energy is indispensable.
Amount to raise $2500

Public Restrooms
It is necessary to provide access to safe restrooms to the children. There are no public restrooms. While the boys manage, it is a challenge for girls, who are more than 50% of the students with no restrooms available nearby. A basic need that we need to address immediately. Moreover, the masjid attendees also request a public restroom for ablution. The construction costs includes a water tank.
Amount to raise $4000
Quick upate
June 2023
As you can see, our objective was to help those affected by the floods. A big thank you to all who supported this cause!
In January 2023, we identified villages affected by the floods that have no access to education for children. Since then, we have started schooling for two villages with a growing number of children enrolled in school for the first time. Girls make up more than 50% of children attending school, which is very promising, and their enthusiasm even more so.
We continue with a summer school and seek your support to help construct a basic school structure before the start of full-time school in August. Because offering education is not in a vacuum other elements in the ecosystem are a necessary component.
Ongoing Campaigns
Sponsor a survival kit for the families affected by the devastating floods in Pakistan