We have seen, often it takes very little to bring considerable positive change in a place. This can especially be said of rural Sindh, Pakistan, home to some of the most underserved communities in the world. Marred by the effects of climate change with devastating floods, lack of drinking water, lack of infrastructures, schools, and neglect due to rampant corruption in government institutes in the past several decades. Several clusters of small villages form these communities that have dealt with decades of inequities across all dimensions. If there is a school structure, it is uninhabitable. If there is a government teacher hired, the teachers take salaries but do not teach. We are failing innocent people, women, and especially children, for they have a right to an education; otherwise, what does the future hold for them? We are well aware of the relation of the level of education to poverty. As a result, for most of these underserved communities doing manual labor with below minimum wage income is the only option. Girls and women cannot contribute or better themselves.
We must begin with free schooling as there are no shortcuts. It takes very little to start an informal school. Join us in these grassroots efforts. The change is palpable immediately. And because there is a lack of infrastructure and hiring of educated teachers who are driven by the cause of eradicating inequities in education, we need your support in creating an ecosystem. Typically it comprises of building public washrooms, a spiritual center like a mosque, a central Landi, a place where all congregate for various needs, and most importantly, a school for the children of these villages.

The Village School
For Reinventing Rural Education
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Spiritual Center





Step into the VILLAGE
Take a walk with us through Village Abdul Malik, in Sanghar District in Sindh, Pakistan.
Our journey
About the village
There is a serene beauty in the simplicity of Village Abdul Malik. There is a wondrous charm in the warmth of the people, in the excitement of the children and the enchantment of the landscape. And significantly, the authenticity of life and being.
This cannot be said of the other villages even in close proximity to Abdul Malik. It is evident that the community makes the environment what it is. They want a better future for their children. So they have received us with open arms and warm hospitality.
Even though our focus is easy access to education for the children of this village, because the village lacks basic facilities, our work here involves water, restrooms, reconstruction of a mosque damaged by the floods, reconstruction of a Landi (a community center of sorts), installation of solar energy system, a school and a village playground. We have already started a summer school under a tent while construction work continues. The whole community is looking to us with hope.
And we are excited for this opportunity to participate in transforming this village.

Most frequent questions and answers
You can support what is near to your heart. For instance if making education accessible to the children of Abdul Malik is the cause you feel strongly about contribute towards school structure, or books n supplies, furniture, solar energy equipment or towards the salary of a teacher for a year.
If you find joy in spreading joy, contribute to the playground.
If you find value in the construction of a spiritual center that is always part of any community, contribute in the reconstruction of a mosque that is very small and damaged by the floods.
The costs of each individual project are shared below. However, these may vary to some extent with the rapid inflation in Pakistan. But whatever you contribute will go towards making that project possible. We welcome all contributions regardless of the numbers. You will still be participating in helping build this community up. No act of care is small.
We would like to highlight that as a principle to efficiently execute these projects, we are using a hybrid model: we are using all local materials, local labor, and traditional methods of construction that are environmentally appropriate, and incorporating newer ways to deal with local challenges.
- Water Source $1500
- School Structure $5000
- Solar energy setup for School-$1500
- Public restrooms $1200
- Solar pump and energy for restrooms-$1500
- Playground $1500
- Mosque $4000
- Congregational space $1500
- Women’s community-skill center-community kitchen $2500
Certainly, we will create an engraved plaque with the name you want to dedicate the charitable act.
We are always happy to share the progress of projects you are interested in learning about or have sponsored. We understand what it means to be on a journey, to see something so meaningful to completion. Moreover, as the community gets to benefit from your beautiful intention, and giving act out of care for them, we are always excited to share the fruits.
The joy of getting books, bags & colornpencils for the first time! Start of school in Village Rabb Dino Mari.

At the start of 2023 we sought to identify villages affected by floods and in need of some avenue of education for the children. We identify Village Rabb Dino Mari and Village Abdul Malik. These children have never had the opportunity to own their books and bags. We are excited to have this beautiful opportunity to bring joy and hope into the lives of these beautiful innocent souls. The school began in a tent. Construction of a simple structure with local materials, a playground, a public restroom are underway. Excited to see these seeds grow and blossom!
The joy of seeing the smiles of the children of Jhool Sharif!

Our first endeavor at Jhool Sharif, Sindh Pakistan in collaboration with the Alkhidmat’s local team; a water well, a community center, a spiritual center, and a school and a restroom. Small details such as a shade over drinking water pump, an addition of benches or the set of swings next to the one room school, or a water trough for the animals are all such small acts of care but we have seen what joy and ease these bring to so many in this village.